July was a fast month, it was no different than June, but it was way hotter and not my favorite kind of weather.
wait a second, you think I am going to use the weather of not executing my habits? not a chance.
So let’s get started by seeing the habits I worked on and their perspective results.
Since I failed to reach last month’s habit goals, I have the same 20 daily habits to work on for July 2024.
The goal is to reach at least a 90% success rate, which means performing my habits 558 times or more out of 620.
But this time,I will use a psychological trick to pretend it’s a 95% success rate rather than 90% to avoid falling below 90%. If I reach my target goal, I can add my 21st habit for August 2024. Here’s the list of the 20 habits:
1) Reading → for 12-27 minutes a day.
2) Planning → for 2.5-4.5 hours a day.
3) The Stillness Finder Learning Project → (Meditating for 38-44 minutes / Studying Meditation materials for 10-30 minutes)
4) The Yoga Explorer Learning Project → (Doing yoga for 10 minutes or more depending on the workout / Studying Yoga Materials for 10-30 minutes)
5) Journaling → writing about my day and answering 7-9 daily reflection questions.
6) Time tracking → logging in at least 4.5 hours/day
7) Cold showers → from 15-30 seconds
8) Drinking water → from 1.1-2.1 litters/day
9) Making bed → the first habit of the day
10) Brushing teeth → 1-3 times per day
11) Sweeping the floor → to maintain a clean room.
12) Habits statements → reading flash cards of each habit statement to connect with them my habits deeply for a better execution of them.
13) Upgraded Memory Learning project → studying for 1-2.5 hours a day.
14) Money Tracking → Using an android Application
15) Sleep Schedule → Second Attempt of the Zest Mode = 6 hours & 20 minutes
16) Food Tracking → Documenting the things I eat during the day
17) Productivity System → using 1-4 tools
18) Content creation → for 23-48 minutes
19) Habit documenting → using 2-3 tools
20) Dark Mode → closing my eyes before 2-10 minutes of sleep
Let’s start with the perfect Habits!
The PERFECT habits
I had 2 less perfect Habits compared to June 2024.
These four habits are : Food tracking, making bed, time tracking and brushing teeth.
Now onto the other habits ranked from the best to worst performance.
Ranking the other habits from BEST to WORST performance
We have Planning which I did it 30 times I was focusing on controlling few hours per day, which felt satisfying to achieve.
Also Journaling which I did for 30 times, Journaling is becoming more enjoyable compared to the early days which felt like a torture. You find your ways of making it enjoyable, in my case I tend to include questions that I have t answer to make it more insightful.
We have sweeping the floor same as above, executed it for 30 days. This one usually is done before doing the Yoga, and because there are many few days where I didn’t do the Yoga, I forgot to do it once, which made me miss getting the perfect score.
As for Habits statements, I did it 30 times, I haven’t used any physical flash cards, all I used was my digital flash cards.
When it comes to Money Tracking, I managed to record my transactions for 30 days. Just missing one day.
Productivity system, I did it 30 times. and I achieved success rate of 77% of doing the 4 productivity tools, so next month is going to be 5 tools because the condition was to use the 4 tools at least 75% of the times during July.
Unto Reading, I read 29 days. I have spend 12 hours and 48 minutes into this habit. that is 24 minutes of daily listening to audiobooks.
Another habit where I scored 29 days of it is drinking water.
When it comes to meditation and cold shower, each of them I did for 28 days.
27 days was the score of doing the habits documenting.
As for The habit of content creation, in this month I have missed a week, making it 24 days of executing the habit.
The total hours invested in content creation and interaction with other content creators is 47 hours and 53 minutes, one hour more than last month which was 46 hours and 36 minutes.
Sleep schedule. I did this habit for 22 times which more than two thirds of the days of the month.
For the yoga explorer learning project. I did it for 20 days out of 31.
The last two worst habits are :
The upgraded memory learning project, I have only did it 12 times this month.
A week of dark period 7/31 days. Despite having 22 days of following my sleep schedule, I only had 7 days of dark mode, because according to my rules of executing the dark mode habit which was close to the time of sleep it caused me to almost always end up rushing few minutes before closing
The results of this month progress
In this month I was expecting I do better than the last month, but actually I got almost the same results , just 0.85% lower. that’s 85.48% of success rate, 4.52% off the target goal.
Despite having 4 perfect habits only the overall score didn’t drop that much, which shows that the overall performance across all the habits matters more than just having perfect habits.
The dark period and the upgraded memory were among the weak habits of mine, which I think they deserve more attention and care.
We have another month of August to correct my mistakes, let’s see how things will turn out for me.