

Hey visitor!

I am happy to see you here, I will be briefly introducing myself and what do you expect finding in this blog.

To begin with, I am Houssem Mallem, 27 years old, I happen to be an ordinary human who picked an interest in self-development around 2016-2017. After reading many books and trying some techniques I started to see how important it is to commit yourself to excellence.

However, down the road, my life didn’t have any radical change, mainly because I lacked the most important component of improving one’s life, it’s consistency, your head can hold all sorts of interesting pieces of knowledge but unless you pick few, and bring them to work on them on a daily basis, chances are you won’t be able to transform your life in a substantial manner.

Because of the reasons mentioned above, I started to be more into habits, because they were the only tools that can  make you change as person and become more, organized, productive and oriented toward your very specific goals, I started documenting my habits since 2020, I used different methods and apps but lost some of my data when I have lost my phone in July 2021 which made me aware of important it is to use more reliable tools and saving backups to keep my collected data safe.

I am not saying that my habits journey was fruitful during the last two years, in fact I had so many setbacks and I gave up on multiple occasions, then I returned again and again because I couldn’t imaging going through a life that is random and unplanned, and the idea of having a blog to keep myself focused on my habits born.

This blog is going to be my own virtual lab share my experiments and do all things related to:

  • Building consistent habits and routines
  • increasing productivity.
  • Sharing my learning experience of skills and topics through “Learning projects method”.
  • Summarize books related to habits and productivity
  • Reviews of courses related to habits and productivity

The ultimate goal is building a system that enables almost anyone to build consistent routine that helps one to achieve their goals and live a healthy life.

Finally, I hope I can inspire you with my own efforts to build a strong community of mind-liked people to lead a meaningful life defined with a purpose, order and results.